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Frequently asked questions about organ donation in Singapore

Last updated 19 March 2025


If I want to opt out of Human Organ Transplant Act (HOTA), what should I do?
Does HOTA allow me to opt out from donating a specific organ?
What are the implications if I opt out of HOTA?
Can I withdraw my objection to HOTA?
Can I decide to who I want my organs to be donated under HOTA?
Can I donate more than what is covered under HOTA?
I am a foreigner. Can I donate my organs?
What is the difference between HOTA and MTERA?
If I pass away at home, will my body be brought to a hospital for organ donation if I have not opted out of HOTA and/or if I am a pledger under MTERA?
If I pass away in the hospital, will my organs be donated for the purpose of transplantation if I have not opted out of HOTA and/or I am a pledger under MTERA?
Will HOTA or MTERA apply to citizens or foreigners who passed away in a foreign country?
Can I know the identity of my organ donor or the recipients who received my loved one’s organs?
Are there penalties for organ trading?

Determining Death

What is brain death? Is brain death the same as being in a coma?
How is brain death certified?
Can someone who is declared brain dead come back to life / recover?

Deceased Donor Organ Transplants

Will the medical care of potential organ donors be compromised to expedite the recovery of organs?
What organs can be donated upon my death?
Will my body be disfigured after organ donation?
How will the suitability and allocation of organs be determined?
I am 63 years old, will my organs still be suitable for donation?
Will I be charged for my loved one’s donation?

Whole Body Donation [for Education and Research]

I am 65 years old, can I donate my whole body for education and research purposes?
I have a terminal illness, can I still donate my whole body for education and research purposes?
Can I still donate my whole body for education and research, if my organs are suitable for transplantation purpose?
What would the donation be used for? How long would the research period be?

Living Donor Organ Transplants

What organs can be donated?
Who is eligible to be a living donor? Do I need to be biologically related to the patient to be a living donor?
What are the challenges in living donor organ transplants? What happens when there are no available living donors for the patient?
How is the safety of living organ donors ensured?
What are the steps taken to ensure that the donor is medically fit for the donation?
Do living donors have to bear the medical and surgical costs for the donation?