Launched in 2024, The Live On Buddies are characters that embodies the importance of our organs’ function in our everyday lives and how each individual organ may become beacons of hope to those who suffer from organ failure.
The Live On Buddies consists of:

The Hype Leader
The energetic leader of the group buzzing with enthusiasm. She keeps her buddies pumped up and is always a ray of sunshine in difficult times.

The Innovator
The creative visionary of the group. He inspires his buddies through his knack for transforming ideas into reality, bringing them to life.

Chill Bestie
The group’s anchor of peace and tranquility. Her calm demeanor helps her buddies relax and find balance, especially through her soothing words and providing a clear perspective of situations.

The Guru
The logical and detail-oriented brainiac of the group. He uses his amazing analytical skills to filter away the noise, enshrining him as the ultimate troubleshooter for his buddies.